Helpful design sites (and blogs)

Which which is which…my learning curve keeps escalating, an ever invigorating ride up!

So, along with the books I’m reading and the podcasts I’m listening to, here are some of the sites and blogs i’ve become hooked on as they offer so much information in this rapidly changing and growing field of interaction design.

The first I’d like to mention is the InVision blog. Somehow I happened upon this incredible source of information and quickly signed up for the newsletter. I eagerly await each new email which invariably has several interesting posts and even links to freebies! AND I love how you can tweet a pre-designed tweet by clicking on it right from the blog!!

Another equally informative blog is Shopify. These articles are in-depth, more lengthy than InVision’s posts, and re-iterate (in a good way!) what I’ve read on other sites and in books, giving me a review and more detail if I want it. Loads of how-tos, tutorials, freebies and much more!

Then the other day I found this page with a concise checklist. I’m sure it will come in handy when I start designing 🙂

Next are two sites I haven’t had time to use or browse much, however they look very promising…AIGA and Envatotuts+.

Like I said, there is so much information on the net which is helpful…please share if you know of other sites or blogs you follow!

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