Helpful design sites (and blogs)

Which which is which…my learning curve keeps escalating, an ever invigorating ride up! So, along with the books I’m reading and the podcasts I’m listening to, here are some of the sites and blogs i’ve become hooked on as they offer so much information in this rapidly changing and growing field of interaction design. The first I’d like to mention is the InVision blog. Somehow … Continue reading Helpful design sites (and blogs)

Learning while hiking

My 21-year-old son told me recently that on his 30-minute walk to work/school each day he now listens to books or podcasts. Learning while commuting…great idea! So now instead of just listening to music as I hike my beloved Grouse Grind or busing to class…I listen to podcasts and have found a great one called Design Matters with Debbie Millman. Debbie Millman began Design Matters … Continue reading Learning while hiking